Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Fool For a Client?

Christ desires to be our advocate "one called alongside" (I John 2:1-2).  The context addresses our standing before God as guilty sinners with Christ standing beside us speaking on our behalf-- speaking as One who has satisfied (propitiation) His own wrath for our sin. Sounds like only a fool would refuse such essential and unwarranted grace.

Unfortunately, many do reject such grace and choose to represent themselves. Why? Why, would anyone refuse to allow Christ to stand on his or her behalf; especially since He is the only hope he or she has?

Perhaps it is because I must understand that Christ is a Savior and, if He is a Savior then that means that I need saving. The angel told the shepherds (Luke 2) that having a Savior was good news for everyone... not an example, not a great teacher, not a celestial bread truck, not a cosmic buddy who understands that I am not perfect, but a Savior.

Embracing a Savior means that I have ceased to make my own case that...

  • What I did could have been worse...
  • Times have changed
  • It's just who I am...
  • I was just confused...
  • Others, who attend Church, have done it too...
  • At least I admitted that I should have tried harder...
  • or... (just write in the one that has always made you feel better)

No... choosing to fall on the mercy offered by the death of Christ is to abandon efforts for validation or sanction for my sin... no more comparisons, equivocations, excuses, explanations, justifications, or "reasons" that if people only knew the circumstances they would understand.

We've all heard that he who attempts to represent himself in the court of law has a fool for a client. Such is even truer and far more serious in the eternal court of judgment before God. Christ is our advocate and we are fools to stand before Him as our Judge without also having Him as our attorney.

So, don't. Humble yourselves before the mighty hand of God... (I Peter 5:6). My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise (Ps 51:17 NIV).

Pastor Mike 

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